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Department of Electrical Engineering

Professor Roger Dorsinville, Chair • Department Office: Steinman 602 • Tel: 212-650-7248

General Information

The City College offers the following graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering:

M.E. (E.E.) (Professional Master’s Degree)
M.S. (Engineering) (For students preparing for the Ph.D. program; Degree is also awarded to students who do not have a bachelor’s degree in engineering)
Ph.D. (E.E.)


Master’s Program
Professor Barry Gross

Doctoral Program
Assistant Professor Ahmed Mohamed

Department Facilities

Current EE Research Laboratories include:

Sponsored Centers:

  • Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology (CREST) Center sponsored by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). CREST is a consortium of five universities led by CCNY.

CCNY Centers:

  • Center for Information Networking and Telecommunications (CINT)

  • Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL)

  • International Center for Environmental Resources and Development (ICERD)

  • Photonics Engineering Center

Research Laboratories

Advanced Wireless Networks Laboratory, Media Lab, Optical Networking Laboratory, Photonics Applications Lab, Photonics Simulations Lab, Metamaterials Laboratory, Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory, Remote Sensing/Geographical Information Systems Lab, Advanced Integrated Photonics Lab, Robotics and Intelligence Systems Lab, Smart Grid Lab.

Other Research Facilities

Multi-wavelength Laser Radar (LIDAR) observatory, mobile remote sensing facility, pico and femtosecond laser facilities, semiconductors diode lasers, streak cameras, spectrophotometers and multichannel optical analyzers, IC probe stations, and darkroom and mask fabrication facilities, digital pattern generator and error detector, network analyzer, 60 GHz communication signal analyzer, multimedia communication facilities, wireless sensor network test bed, wireless network sniffer, imbedded system programming tools, robotics platforms, fast prototyping machine, Mask aligner, Photo-resist spinner, Thermal evaporator, Sputtering system, Dry etch system, Surface profiler, Digital triple grating spectrometer, NEXUS 670 FTIR, Continuum IR microscope with camera.

Major computational facilities in the department include a network of 150 workstations. In addition, a network of PC computers is used by graduate students and faculty researchers in the telecommunications and remote sensing areas. These networks are connected to other research facilities located on campus and to the CUNY Computational Center, as well as the National Computational Facilities through the Internet.


Mohamed A. Ali, Professor
B.S., Azar Univ. (Egypt); M.S., The City College; Ph.D., CUNY

Joseph Barba, Professor, School of Engineering
B.E., The City College, M.E.; Ph.D., CUNY

Roger Dorsinville, Herbert Kayser Professor and Chair
B.S., Moscow State Univ. (Russia), M.S., Ph.D.

Alexander Gilerson, Professor
B.S., Technical Univ. (Kazan, Russia), M.S. , Ph.D.

Barry M. Gross, Professor
B.A. (Physics/Math), Yeshiva Univ.; M.S. , The City College; Ph.D. , CUNY

Ibrahim W. Habib, Professor
B.S., Ain Shams Univ. (Egypt); M.S., Polytechnic Univ. of New York; Ph.D., CUNY

Ping-Pei Ho, Professor
B.S., Tsing-Hun Univ.(Taiwan); M.B.A., Kent State Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY

Alexander Khanikaev, Professor
B.S., Moscow State Univ. (Russia), M.S., Ph.D.

Bruce Kim, Associate Professor
B.S., Univ. of California, Irvine; M.S., Univ. of Arizona; Ph.D. (ECE), Georgia Inst. of Technology

Myung Jong Lee, Professor
B.S., Seoul National Univ. (Korea), M.S.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.

Nicholas Madamopoulos, Associate Professor
B.S., University of Patras (Greece); M.S., CREOL/School of Optics, Ph.D.

Jamal T. Manassah, Professor
B.S., American Univ. of Beirut (Lebanon); M.A., Columbia Univ., Ph.D.

Ahmed Mohamed, Assistant Professor
B.S, Minia University (Egypt); M.S., Florida International University, Ph.D.

Fred Moshary, Professor
B.S. (Applied Physics), Cornell Univ., M.S. ; Ph.D. (Applied Physics), Columbia Univ.

Truong-Thao Nguyen, Associate Professor
M.Sc., Princeton Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.

Leonid Roytman, Professor
B.S., Moscow Polytechnical (Russia), M.S.; Ph.D., Novosibirsk Polytechnical Inst. (Russia)

Tarek N. Saadawi, Professor
B.Sc., Cairo Univ. (Egypt), M.Sc.; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland

Samah Saeed , Assistant Professor,
B.Sc., Kuwait Univ. (Kuwait), M.Sc.; Ph.D., New York Univ.

Norman Scheinberg, Professor
B.E.E., Cooper Union; M.S., M.I.T.; Ph.D., CUNY

Sang-Woo Seo, Associate Professor
B.S., Ajou University (Korea); M.S., Kwanju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea); Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology

Aidong Shen, Professor
B.S., Xiamen Univ. (China); Ph.D., SIOFM (China)

Kenneth Sobel, Professor
B.E., The City College; M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Ph.D.

Yi Sun, Associate Professor
B.S., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China), M.S.; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota

Yingli Tian, Distinguished Professor
B.S.,Tianjin Univ.(China), M.S.; Ph.D., Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong

M. Ümit Uyar, Professor
B.S., Istanbul Teknik Univ. (Turkey); M.S., Cornell Univ., Ph.D.

Ardie D. Walser, Professor and Associate Dean
B.E., The City College, M.E.; Ph.D., CUNY

Professors Emeriti

Samir Ahmed

Micheal Conner

Demos Eitzer

Irving Meth

Donald L. Schilling

Fred Thau

Richard Tolimieri