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Grades Assigned to Graduate Courses

For graduate courses the following grades will be assigned:

A, B, C

passing grades (includes + and – grades)


passing, with credit (for graduate seminars or noncredit report)


auditor, no credit




resignation without penalty (Not assigned by instructor. Registrar assigns this grade with Dean’s approval and recommendation of instructor.)


failure due to excessive absences


incomplete (temporary grade)


F due to unresolved INC


Satisfactory Progress, a temporary grade for dissertation (thesis) supervision or certain research courses, like projects and reports, requiring more than one semester for completion.

For Master’s level courses that carry credits (e.g., Master’s thesis, 3 credit report, 3 credit project), the SP must be changed to a letter grade (e.g., A, B, C) upon course completion.

For Ph.D. requirements (e.g., Dissertation Research, Dissertation Supervision), the SP grades are changed to “P” upon completion of the work


No record of Progress. The grade may be assigned by dissertation supervisors only to students in 90000 courses (Dissertation Supervision), if the student has done little or no work on the dissertation over the course of the semester.

If a student is absent from the final examination (whether oral or written) in any course, a special examination may be granted only by the engineering faculty Committee on Course and Standing, and normally is granted by that committee only upon the submission of written evidence showing that the student was physically unable to be present at the stated examination.

Such application is to be made directly following the absence, and the special examination must be taken in the Fall term by October 15th and in the Spring term by March 15th.

An INC will become a FIN if the work is not completed by ten weeks into the second semester following the INC grade. These grades are treated the same as F.

For example, if a student receives an incomplete grade (INC) for a fall 2013 course, the work must be completed and the final grade submitted before the end of the tenth week of the fall 2014 semester, otherwise the INC grade becomes a FIN.

The grade of SP, when assigned for a research course, shall stand until the research is completed to the satisfaction of the department concerned and a grade assigned.